Thursday, November 3, 2005
Fuck You,
Rick Cork
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Here comes the Fuck Yeah
Thank you for your continuing support,
Rick Cork
Monday, October 24, 2005
Here I come..
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
So what....
So do I think the world has benefited from me being here, in some ways yes, I do believe I make other people's lives more pleasant if even for just a slight second. Have I benefited from being here, yes I've met many wonderful people who have helped me to understand the world around me in a much more deep and profound way than I ever would have alone. THe thing is I do not beleive either I or the world at large are really taking advantage of what we really have here. WE are bound to benefit in a much larger way than we are currently doing, we can not fully reap the rewards because we have not put as much effort into sowing the seed my friends. You get to take away only what you put in, reap what you sow motherfucker, Reap WHAT YOU SOW. So where do we go from here, onward and upward, well that goes without saying, but where else. Sideways my friends, sideways, and upside down and at an angle to the left. Every one is going onward and upwards, thing of all the mental real estate available in backwards and downwards, or sideways and inverted, or something.
Fuck yes my friends we are going to tear the heads off these un-believers, there is something special happening my friends, and like it or not we are all a part of it. There is no for or against, just a fucking part of, period.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
(If this made any sense to you please contact me at, I have some questions I would like to ask you, I don't really understand it all, or at all, I just wrote it)
Monday, October 17, 2005
Hugh Hefner
By the by, on Friday I am taping an episode of Rick Cork's Super Happy Fun Hour, this will just be the pilot in what will one day become an institution, or maybe I'm just doing my friend Dave a favor. Either way wish me luck, and I wish you luck in whatever it is you decide to do with your fucking life my friend.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Saturday, October 8, 2005
And neither do you.
What would happen if we shut our fucking mouths every once in a while?
Why don't you try it asshole.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Hello, I'm Guilty, Let Me Show You My Shame
Do you do something to compensate for it, even if it has nothing to do with what you've done wrong? Does the universe even work that way any more?
Maybe I should have just gone to work today and sucked it up, instead of staying home and working on things I felt I needed to do to make myself happy. I am failing as a human being, I am certainly not proud of myself, and I hope sometime in the near future I can set things right with the world at large.
I lost the poetry slam because I was not as good as the other poets, and that is something I have to live with, and work on. This is my Blog of Repentance, I still feel dirty.
Thank you for your support ( even if I don't deserve it),
Rick Cork
A flier for a band,( I live with the bass player, she is my girlfriend)
Monday, September 26, 2005
I was born and then you died
Also I won fifth place in a poetry slam, I really blew it and I am disappointed in myself, so much so that I have been told by a doctor that I shallnever smile the same way again. Maybe I can take this as an oppurtunity to improve myself, use it as a stepping stone, or a building block, or maybe I could just hold a grudge and go through the rest of my life believing that my short comings are always someone elses fault. It's a tough choice, and I am not setting anything in stone as of yet, though I will admit that I am leaning toward the grudge side just because I have been being to forgiving and generous with other people lately, and I kind of think I should even it out a little bit, too much good Karma just seems boring to me. So grudge it is.
Thank you for your support,
The-ever-lovin'-brownd-eyed-Rick (Cork)
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
I can feel it coming in the air tonight...
Thank you for your support,(I missed you all)
Rick Cork
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
Monday, September 5, 2005
Saturday, August 27, 2005
In the Eye Of the Pain Hurricane ( I wanted to say tornado, but I don't know if they have eyes)
Speaking of gut feelings, did you guys know I actually have the outer part of my right leg attached to my stomach, it's called a skin graft. I also have a manmade belly button, they had to cut a hole in the skin that they put over my stomach in the area of my belly button. If I had actually been concious I would have asked them not to cut the hole just to see what would have happened, I think that that would have been the very definition of interesting at least for a year or so. I am at school and I just got done with my Saturday Spanish class which leads in nicely to the television program Sabado Gigante, four hours of spanish language variety programming.
Speaking of variety shows, I am putting one on in about two weeks at the Irish Rose and I am in need of talent, or what passes for talent nowadays. Are you ultra bendy, can you smoke cigarettes out of inappropriate holes in your body, can you do something besides just sit around and watch t.v. all day? If so please contact me, even the smallest thing would make a world of difference. Contact me @ Maybe this link will even work this time, maybe, who knows, you probably do, good for you.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I Didn't Miss You, But I Kind Of Did.
I suppose the reason is this thing has been sort of depressing as of late, mopey and uneventful and pointlessly self reflective, like a diary almost, and open diary that people could just drop in on and have their way with. I felt vulnerable, and scared, and alone, like a mute retarded man in a box: a box made of lead.
I just tried to use a colon and I do not know if I used it properly, but it felt right; and since I am taking English at the moment I figured I would field test it-the colon that is- and see how it worked.
Now see I used a semi-colon and a dash in the last sentence: I am not sure if I used them properly.
Enough of that, I just want you to know I am back in fighting mode, and will take on all comers.
If that does not make any sense, well, all the better for fighting.
A special not to all you special people with special talents such as spitting fire or swallowing swords or some shit such as that: I will be celebrating my 26th birthday at the Irish Rose and will be holding a talent/variety show at that time. The date is September 11th, yeah the bad day where the world went crazy and America began to eat itself away with fear and revenge as well as in fightng and back biting. This however will be a day of celebration and jubilation, a sign that we are moving forward in our pursuit of the American dream of pointless and endless forms of amusement. If you are interested in performing a song, a skit, or a little dance number, or if you know someone who would be interested please e-mail me @ and I will gladly put you on what is now a short list of entertainment.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Where Do We Go From Here ( Didn't we have some good times)
Trying to focus on unfocusing does not work, being aware of your inability to be unaware is not the way to go, how do you just turn off the concious and walk through the day unconciously, a breezy sort of parusal through the world of matter and weight and touch and sight and sound.
Super Happy Fun Time where are you now that I need you must, why have you abandoned me to these boring wolves, why am I forced to ramble on about nothing for paragraphs on end?
Tomorrow maybe things will get back to being weird and interesting, for today it is more of the boring quarter life crisis, thank you and good night.
Oh, and by the way, thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Monday, August 15, 2005
Here is the Brick Wall, There Goes Your Dignity
Where do I start, what is the proper way to get out of a fix like this, who can I turn to when you turn away, I've lost my creative juices, ambition and drive are at an all time low, these are the tough roads, where some people turn to religion, or drugs, or suicide, not me, I just turn mediocre, I curl up and fade into this background version of me, I lose interest in progress or any of that sort of stuff. I know it's not like I'm in the middle of fighting some war, I'm not starving in a third world country, my town is not some disaster area, I have food and a roof over my head, I have people around me whom I care for and who care for me, yet I am still feeling like shit, and rightly so, and I am aware that this is my own mess to clean up, I am aware that I put myself in this bad position many years ago and I am just now reaping what I have sown, but knowing all this does not make it any better, not in an immediate cure all kind of way anyway, but it is one of those small little steps you have to take in order to get where your going, the first step on a long journey to somewhere you've never been to before, somewhere you never imagined you could get to. Fucking baby steps, baby stepping to the future, stop kicking myself when I'm down, or allowing others to do so.
Super Boring Self-Help Time, I know, and I apologize, but no one made you read the damn thing, I'm just spilling my guts for the sake of spilling my guts, and now I feel a little bit better seeing it written down, and how ridiculous it reads, and how good I really do have it, and everything is going to be fine, the sun WILL come out tomorrow, and where there is a will there is a way, and if anyone has it I could use $322.50 to help me pay for my school books, I'll pay you back on or around October 6th when the rest of my grant money comes through, I need it by thursday so don't hesitate to write, every little bit will help out.
Thank you for your support( monetary and otherwise),
Rick Cork
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
A picture of me my Grandpa and the best woman that ever lived

is a picture of me as a young blonde man, the man holding me is my Grandfather Bob Beardsley, Bob is not short for Robert, it's just Bob. The dark haired woman is my Grandmother, she passed away about a year ago, she has dark hair in this picture, but I will always remember her with blonde hair.
This lady might just look like some random woman, someone you might look over at the Wal-Mart or something, but if you would just give her a minute of your time you would have the pleasure of meeting one of the greatest women who ever walked the face of this god forsaken planet. This is a woman who would go out of her way to make me smile, no matter how bad of a day she was having, no matter how much stress and anxiety she was experiencing, she would be there for me to make my sorry ass smile.
She was an unselfish woman, a woman who would give me her last dollar, or anything I would fancy in her house, I would end up taking home at some point. This is a woman who was my sanctuary for a long time, my safe haven, she would take me in and nurture me back to what resembled a good clear thinking individual, and she would send me on my way, even though at times I never wanted to leave her sight. This is a woman who I distinctly recall squating down in the middle of her own kitchen and pissing her pants because, well, it was funny. I won't go on for a long time, I'll come back to her now and then, I just wanted to share something with you that was important to me, something that shaped my life in one way or another, in this case many times over. I also just wanted you people to have the oppurtunity to lay your eyes on one of the greatest women that ever lived before you passed on, I am sure many of you never saw her, if any of you ever did at all, and I'm sure you might have seen her at the store or a Garage sale and just looked her over and dismissed her as some random human being in a world full of random human being, and I thought I would just give you a second chance to gaze upon her glory one last time, and reconsider your first impression.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
If You Don't Understand It(A Guide To Enjoy The Super Happy Fun Time)

Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
It's official...I've been had....
I am sad because I thought there was a Gary, I was sad because I thought he had taken the time to write how he felt, how he felt that I was number one, but now I am back to nothing, sent off into the void of obscurity once again, with my beaten tail between my wobbly weak legs.
There is no Gary, just some prankster who feels the need to mess with people's lives, who feels the need to pull the rug from under poor men's feet, someone who is jealous because her boyfriend will never be the man that I am, because her boyfriend has taken everything that made Rick Cork a name that could be trusted and counted on to provide the very best in local entertainment. Very well whatever, they know who they are, and I hope they are very happy, because I am not, not now, but soon, for I seek vengeance, and I seek retribution, there will be virtual blood on the virtual streets and the Super Happy Fun Time will be had by al but those two, for they shall feel my pain tenfold.
There may be no Gary, but there is still a Gary Award, and it goes out to the person who best exemplifies the Anti-Super Happy Funtime spirit, it goes out to those who would piss on my perfectly fine parade. This week the Gary goes out to Matilda Von Mordor, I hope you are happy that you made a mockery of the Super Happy Fun Time, I hope you are happy that you have made me the laughingstock of the bloggerworld, made me into the outcast you always saw me as, out in the cold, starving, hoping that one day I will be allowed to wander those happy halls of Bloggerdom with my chin up once again, someday, you can count on it.
To everyone else, thank you for your Support,
Rick Cork
Monday, August 8, 2005
It's Official, I am #1
Now that we are number one it means that people are going to be gunning for our spot, it means that we are not safe anymore, we don't have the luxury of being the underdog or the little engine that could anymore, now we are the big engine that did.
So don't expect this roller coaster ride of action to suddenly become inactive or unimportant, don't expect us to fade into obscurity like Buster Douglas did after defeating a stunned Mike Tyson and shocking the world at large, and then falling off the face of the planet the next week.
No my friends we have reached the summit, and it has a nice view, a damn nice view, and I intend to see it for a long time, with all of you at my side I believe we can do it, until I die.
Speaking of when I die, who will keep this sweet little puppy running, that is a good question.
If any of you folks out there think you've got what it takes to play in the big leagues down here in Super Happy Fun Timesville, please feel free to send me a sample of your work @ As you are all aware Peter Jennings just died and it made me realize that maybe I might die someday as well, and I need someone in place to carry the heavy load for me after I am dead or whatever.
Also thanks to Gary for giving me the good news about being number one, you are also probably number one at something too Gary, and I hope you find out what it is before you pass on, because after you are dead, there is really no way to find that kind of thing out.
For giving me the good news I am proud to make Gary the Super Happy Fun Time Gary of the week, the Gary is an award that I just made up right now that is awarded to the Super Happy Fun Time Super Happy Fan of the Week.
Congratulations on your Gary Gary, and thank you and everyone else for the support,
Rick Cork
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Now I am A Big Man Who is On the Campus Or something like that....
That is a bunch of hogwash, I don't know why I am going to school exactly, maybe because I don't have to pay for it, maybe to meet people outside of my normal social circle, perhaps just for something to do to while away the hours in my twilight years, or maybe just maybe I want to learn something and become a better person in the proccess. Because the more you know the more you are able to dominate and control conversations, and everybody loves that guy, the guy that rambles on about anything and everything, the man who can't be stumped, the guy who would look gorgeous behind the podium on Jeopardy, well that's going to be me goddammit, so get used to my voice because I will be talking it up soon enough brother, prepare to be led astray by the best.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
My days as a Wascally Wabbit are done
It's not that I don't care, because I believe I genuinely do, it's just that sometimes I miss the ability to not care, to not have a worry in the world that didn't have something to do with me directly. This is not easy to say, in fact it is embarrassing and totally undermines everything I've spent the last couple of years trying to build for and around myself.
I want to be a good person, an unselfish person, the kind of guy who goes out of his way for others without even giving it a second thoght, I want to be the American Ghandi, or the male version of Mother Theresa, I want to help those in need, not with just thoughtless handouts, but to help others help themselves. I want to leave the world a better place than the one I came into, I want to make an impact on the people around me in the short time that I am here.
I don't want to be some vigilante or crusader, some kind of cult of personality or figure head, I just want people to look back when I'm gone and dead and say, "That Rick guy, he sure was a good fella', I always liked him, not because he was rich or handsome, though he is very good-looking as far as I am concerned, but I just liked being around him, he made me feel good."
But sometimes goddammit, I just want to sit there and not think, not feel the urge to go outand do a damn thing with my life, sometimes you just want to run around drinking and screaming and tearing the city and people to shreds, sometimes you don't want to think about consequences, or tomorrows, or next years, or centuries even, sometimes you just want now to be the only thing that matters, to imagine it has no affect on the future, or that there won't even be a future.
Unfortunately this is not the world we live in, everything matters, everything is building on the last thing, there are consequences for your actions as well as your inaction, and at times it is completely overwhelming and crippling, you want to do so many things, there are so many oppurtunities that you are paprlyzed and end up doing nothing, end up missing every last goddamn oppurtunity, left standing outside the party staring out into the nothing that you have built for yourself.
The fact is, sometimes you just miss being fifteen, and it's embarassing, but it's the truth.
Oh well onward and upward, it's ten years later and what do you have to show for it.
Well I'm still alive godammit and that's a start.
Good luck to me, and good luck to you, may our days be fruitful and plentiful.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork

Monday, August 1, 2005
Wow wee woh wah.....
It might sound wrong, and it may be the wrong thing to say, but I figure it will be at least half okay since I am half hispanic. What I wanted to say, or question, or wonder about is the hispanic Jehovah witness. From my experience Hispanic people are a festive people, they go all out at birthday parties and during the holidays, just how exactly do the hispanic Jehovahs witnesses supress this urge to participate in the celebrations, that from my experience, hispanics excell at.
My Dads side of the family really knows how to throw a hell of a party, and it just seems instinctual and effortless on their part, I was just curious.
Yeah, sparking some controversy, sounds good.
A man who shows up most Sundays as of late also made his presence felt by putting on a karate demonstration before he went on a twenty minute rant about how he was going to have the chamber of commerce sponsor his karate team, (which is not quite assemble yet, if anyone is interested he's the sweaty guy who lost some fingers due to frostbite). His team of Karate experts which he will personally train will work for the city and take care of the kind of jobs that the police wouldn't touch. He does need to work on his skills a bit, he's 45 and a bit out of shape, but he figures that by June of 2010 he will be in the best possible shape of his life, I for one believe him very much.
Also one last thing, I am trying to put together what will be a blind art show, two people working on seperate parts of what will eventually be one piece, all without seeing what the other is doing. It will be two boards that line up at certain premarked points with a certain color to bring the pieces together. No one will know what the entire piece looks like until the day of the show. If anyone is interested please contact me, there is no place to display yet, nor a set time, but I figure we can get together and begin working on it for the next year, if the next year even comes.
By the by, if tomorrow never comes would you know h0w much I love you? Just Curious.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork.
Contact me @
Friday, July 29, 2005
Friekin Armpit I am On the Verge Of A Leavin'
These are the kind of questions that keep me up at night for about five minutes. This is the kind of responsibility I have on my crooked calcium deficient shoulders, the ones that are not even fit to be cried on, let alone carry what amounts to a pretty big chip.
Hopefully everything remains the way I left it, and I want you to just go out and have a good time without me, don't worry your pretty little heads about me, I'll be out living it up, worrying myself sick about all you people, but it will be just fine, I know it will be, I hope.
Maybe I'll even bring you all something nice back, just to let you know I was thinking of you while I was in Milwaukee, cause I might be, you never know. Let's try this, around ten, well I'll think of all your smiling faces, and you picture me alone in a corner with the filthiest porno magazine that they can legally sell in these here United States in one hand, and a big glass of chocolate milk in the other, a red t-shirt with my face on it, and some dark brown pants that you've never seen me in before, but you'll be damned if it doesn't seem like I've always had them, red socks, Reebok pumps, a latex glove on my head in homage to Howie Mandel when he was actually funny, before he started bringing hidden camera clips of himself doing supposedly wacky things. Maybe, just maybe if we both do this at ten, maybe something magic will happen, but I'm just telling you know that you should not be surprised if nothing happens, but you know, maybe it will.
Also I'll see all you rotten bastards on Sunday at the Guerrilla Artfare down in front of NAT, this time we mean business, not business as in we will be selling anything, and not business as in "He was really giving your Aunt the business in the coat closet at the family reunion", but the kind of business where it means we are really going to just give it our all, because that's all you can do sometimes really isn't it.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Wake Up and Smell the Goat Cheese Anton, It's Go Time.
We are not living in some isolation tank, no boy in no bubble, you are out there feeling and living through the pain of everyday life everyday, and that is amazing, because you weren't even supposed to make it this far, but you did dammit, and there is nothing better than beating the odds black and blue day in and day out. You go to your room and look through those obituaries and then you go outside and thank your lucky stars that even though your name is not the days headline in the daily rag, at least it's not in the obituaries, not today at least. Keep your chin up baby everything is looking up for you, we're going to make it after all, and if not, damn them all at least we gave it our all.
You my friend are a lifelong champion of the highest degree, and I am the luckiest man alive because you are spending a few minutes here with me reading my goddamn blog. Now go outside and have a good time, it's good weather for living out there you lucky son-of-a-bitch you.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Hey it is the super happy fun time after all
It's nice that you stopped by today, to say hello, or just to hear what it is I have to say, to tell you the truth I missed you.
We were released from work early today due to the threat of rain, this is what is called a roofers holiday. There is no secretary holiday, no fast food worker hoilidays, no Kinkos holidays, no sort of janitors holiday, but a roofers holiday, yes,yes,yes.
I made a sandwich for lunch and I went to eat it, and it was covered in ants, welcome to the mundane my friend, but that is life, is it not?
I have an art show in Milwaukee this coming Friday, another chance for me to stand around uncomfortably drinking and watching people as they go and look at my "art", until they feel my gaze upon them, and they walk away uncomfortable. This is the only way I know of to level the playing field. I like doing the work, I enjoy that part, but putting it on display for strangers, that makes me uncomfortable, and then trying to sell the stuff, trying to being kind and cordial, attempting to give them the feeling that this thing on the wall is something special, well it's not exactly the most natural thing for me, but I am trying, I am.
I guess that's about it, I thought that I had some heat going into writing this, but it quickly evaporated into the smoke and mirrors road show that is this blog.
Oh well, I'd say I'm sorry but I have no reason to be, I am learning to be civil without groveling. The three easy words, please, thank you , and sorry, try using them all in succession the next time someone does something for you and watch the magic happen.
Example:"Can I get a beer pleas, thank you, sorry." Bam! everytime.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Thursday, July 21, 2005
A Daily Affirmation (for the Buddhist Gangster)
Everything is all good, there is no diggity doubt about that.
I am the shit, and I am confident about this and know it in my hi-zart(heart).
Today I will not allow myself to love them hoes who would hate on my quest for ultimate happiness.
I will bust a cap in the ass of all negativity.
I will keep my mind on the dharma, and the dharma on my mind until I am sipping on that sizzurp called nirvana.
And when the day has run its course, may the sandman's jimmie run deep, so deep, so deep it puts my ass to sleep.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
p.s. I posted a picture so you know who you are dealing with. Please do not get me confused with any other local eccentrics, note the mustache, he does not have a moustache, and you know who I am talking about.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I am turning over a new leaf.
We can make it, we can pull through the rut of negativity that has been kind of the focal point of this thing, and we can rise above it, the same way a Jesus or Buddha or Charles Manson would, in bold fashion. The actual reason for starting this thing was to get folks downtown to take part in this Gurrilla Artfare thing, and in order to attract people we can not continue in this vein of negativity, no more longer will your mellow be harshed. Instead your mellow will be created by reading this, you will experience a sense of calm tranquility, you are getting sleepy, very, very sleepy.....
(Okay now that those folks are sleeping I would like you other folks to know, that although I will try to be a little more upbeat, a little more BeeGee-esque, I cannot promise it will last. I would like to have this thing be a little more fluent and altogehter more helpful and informative, but I myself am not often this way, and so their will be some days where I do bitch and moan. My goal is to be as honest as possible, and less sporadic, and maybe not so much of a buzzkill.
I do not have my own access to a computer so sometimes these things are not well thought out, sometimes they are rushed and half-assed and all-around miserable. Anyway, thank you to those who understand, and even those who do not.)
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I jambed my thumb.
Then I spend the precious time that I have which is dedicated to doing nothing practical or purposeful, playing fucking video game basketball. Let me tell you this fucking team thatI am playing is just shit. They always seem choke when it really comes down to the wire, and they cannot shoot a three pointer to save their miserable pixalated lives.
Today I attempted to foul all of my players out of the game in protest of one the the computer teams players refering to my Chinese center by a racially insensitive slur. The thing is they wouldn't let me foul out all of my guys, or even forfeit the game, so some of my guys ended the game with seven or more fouls. I ended the game with 71 fouls, and they beat me 161 to 59. I believe in my heart of hearts that it was a just protest. It really showed me that these guys could work together to make something big happen, bigger than any basketball game I'll tell you that much. The solidarity they showed on that computer simulated basketball court moved me, I wish I belonged to something that cared about me that much, and who knows, maybe I do and just don't know it.
Also, on another note, for some reason I was kicked off my coveted spot on the Hall and Oates mailing list. They had sent me an E-mail concerning either Hall or Oates getting some kind of disease that led to the postponement of their upcoming tour. I sent it to several people, some people I didn't even know, and I guess this was private information for people on the Hall and Oates mailing list only, and so I have been kicked out. Perhaps someone had reported my alleged wrong-doing, maybe they just know, who knows, I guess I was in the wrong and if so I apologize, out the side of my mouth and under my breath as always. If anyone has the time you could visit the Hall and Oates website and reccomend they reinstate me, but to tell you the truth I don't care. The e-mails were always impersonal, and you could tell neither John nor Daryl wrote them themselves, the words just sat there on the page, it had no soul, no blue-eyed-soul, and that really ultimately let me down enough to let them down.
Bands currently on my shit-list(and they know why and it is personal)
1.Tom JOnes
3.Hall and Oates
I have learned to seperate the music from the people, but any further recordings by these artists after their initial inception onto my shit list is considered null and void, it does not exist to me. Thanks a lot you bastards.
And thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Monday, July 11, 2005
Guess what daddy is bringin home for supper?
Ha,ha,ah,ha. Yeah you fucker, lets get this fucking boat back on the goddamn tracks or whatever it is that boats travel on, water, get it back on the water.
Thank you so much for the support,
Rick Cork
Tuesday, July 5, 2005
The 4th, yes of July you shithead.
Thanks for your support,
Rick Cork
Where do we go now..
Thanks for your support.
Rick Cork
Friday, July 1, 2005
Rough ass week.
This is the life for me, for now, and I am content, probably because I did not have to work today, and knowing that I will be drunk and feeling no pain within the next few hours.
Did I mention the house we were working on was on a farm, did I mention the smell of cow manure and urine, the mountains of bugs in the 120 degree attic that I swept clean, alone, me and a broom,shovel, and a little blue tarp.
Thanks for your support,
Rick Cork
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Did you know ( some fun facts)
Thank you for your support,
Rick "the dick" Cork
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
If you read the paper..
Every sunday we meet at the main street mall at about one, we then sit around and try to kick out the cob webs and the creative blocks, then we write, we draw, and we do things together as a group, and it feels like something exciting might be happening for once in this town, so that's what we do, we have other ideas but we are still in the discussion stage.
Hopefully we will see you there at some point and time in history.
Thanks for the support,
Rick Cork
I roofed..
In other news, I'm probably going to go eat bagel bites and stare out the window.
Thanks for your support(like I fucking need it anyway)
Rick Cork
p.s. If you are reading this you may in fact be the shithead, not A shithead, but THE shithead, yeah you brother.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Whoever is the cause of my sleep...
I guess that is all I have to say to that person, or persons.
In other news I am reading books, many books, and some might say that is a good thing, I on the other hand would just say that is A THING which I do since I have had no work to go to as of late. I am on the link card for fucks sake and that is not something I had planned out for myself. On the other hand masturbating to an old lady as she spun the giant wheel on the Price I$ Right was never part of the game plan either. Sometimes I guess lif just deals us a strange hand, and sometimes you use that strange hand to masturbate to strange things, and so on and so forth, ad infinitum-tu-tum-tum-tums.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Monday, June 20, 2005
The first was yesterday, then we saw Batman..
About six people were present at one point, mostly it consisted of much talking and little to no artwork or talk of artwork, perhaps the talking was the artform we had chosen, and perhaps not. Either way there was no pressure to get anything done, and it turned out to be a handsome day to sit outside in the company of people you don't know all that well, but all in all it was enjoyable. Exactly what shape it will take is up in the air, and althoug it is my idea in the first place, I do not plan on being a leader or a planner or anything of that sort, I think it should take shape on it's own, no sort of graven image or figurehead, just a big blob of information and entertainment that forms its own identity and face at it's own pace. Sort of like how the original single-celled organisms began and begat more advanced species, hopefully this will do the same as far as some sort of palpable art community in this town is concerned.
Then we went and watched Batman and it was really not very good.
So yeah, thanks for the support,
Rick Cork
Monday, June 13, 2005
Bring your sketch pad, your guitar, even your stinking hand drum (only if you really have to and you refuse to come otherwise) bring your portfolio, your ideas, maybe a sandwich, bring your video camera, bring your laptop computer, whatever it is that you feel comfortable bringing and being creative on( although a mattress is discouraged you can bring this, however this is not the ideal time or place, and we will not sink with that ship my friend). So yeah that about sums it up.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork
Thursday, June 9, 2005
You are a Miracle (1 in a series of four)
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
It has been awhile but it will be worth it... if you believe.
Thanks for your support,
Rick Cork
Monday, May 23, 2005
I am in Ireland and you are not
Rick Cork
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Sorry guys but I'm leaving...
Rick Cork
p.s. Believe it or not I will find time to miss you all during my busy schedule.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Brand New Good for you
Everything is going to be just fine from here on out. Thank you for your support.
Rick Cork