is a picture of me as a young blonde man, the man holding me is my Grandfather Bob Beardsley, Bob is not short for Robert, it's just Bob. The dark haired woman is my Grandmother, she passed away about a year ago, she has dark hair in this picture, but I will always remember her with blonde hair.
This lady might just look like some random woman, someone you might look over at the Wal-Mart or something, but if you would just give her a minute of your time you would have the pleasure of meeting one of the greatest women who ever walked the face of this god forsaken planet. This is a woman who would go out of her way to make me smile, no matter how bad of a day she was having, no matter how much stress and anxiety she was experiencing, she would be there for me to make my sorry ass smile.
She was an unselfish woman, a woman who would give me her last dollar, or anything I would fancy in her house, I would end up taking home at some point. This is a woman who was my sanctuary for a long time, my safe haven, she would take me in and nurture me back to what resembled a good clear thinking individual, and she would send me on my way, even though at times I never wanted to leave her sight. This is a woman who I distinctly recall squating down in the middle of her own kitchen and pissing her pants because, well, it was funny. I won't go on for a long time, I'll come back to her now and then, I just wanted to share something with you that was important to me, something that shaped my life in one way or another, in this case many times over. I also just wanted you people to have the oppurtunity to lay your eyes on one of the greatest women that ever lived before you passed on, I am sure many of you never saw her, if any of you ever did at all, and I'm sure you might have seen her at the store or a Garage sale and just looked her over and dismissed her as some random human being in a world full of random human being, and I thought I would just give you a second chance to gaze upon her glory one last time, and reconsider your first impression.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork