The fourth of july, oh what a day, magically red white and blue appears all across the landscape, suddenly everyone is eating a hot dog for lunch and dinner, and not because they are broke, although many of them are with this economy, ah-ha. I got strangely patriotic while watching the fireworks, I obtained what could be called a special feeling in my gut, a feeling that could be described as proud, not for what we are becming, (which I on the whole consider a bad thing) but instead for what we have the potential to be, the grand experiment continues no matter how bumpy the road may be getting. No matter if you disagree with the policies, the implementation of kookie provisions in crazy "patriotic" acts, put all that aside and you tell me of another place with this much potential, this much stinking charm. I know it is not perfect, but where is, where is fucking perfect, where is there a country without some outrageous blemish peeking out from beneath the carpet, without a skeleton full of atrocities, all over the world, no matter where you go there are secrets and pasts that are being buried away, believe it. But here we can speak out, here we can do something without being silenced by murder, here can can eat well enough to have the energy to fight and be heard, to change policies with our voices instead of with our blood. You can write to your congressman and senators and tell them how you feel, hell it saved NPR and PBS with only a million or so letters. It may not be perfect but it's ours damn it and we damn well do something to fix the old girl up before she ends up in that great big history book in the sky, and not the upbeat section either.
Thanks for your support,
Rick Cork