Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Whoever is the cause of my sleep...

Whoever is responsible for making me tired and uncreative all the time, especially as of late can suck on my sorry excuse for balls. Whoever you are I would like it immensely if you could find it in your blackest of hearts to cease and desist. Please return me to my former self, which although still quite a bit sleepy and slow on the uptake, was not quite as much so as I am now.
I guess that is all I have to say to that person, or persons.
In other news I am reading books, many books, and some might say that is a good thing, I on the other hand would just say that is A THING which I do since I have had no work to go to as of late. I am on the link card for fucks sake and that is not something I had planned out for myself. On the other hand masturbating to an old lady as she spun the giant wheel on the Price I$ Right was never part of the game plan either. Sometimes I guess lif just deals us a strange hand, and sometimes you use that strange hand to masturbate to strange things, and so on and so forth, ad infinitum-tu-tum-tum-tums.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork