Tuesday, August 9, 2005

It's official...I've been had....

After going nuts on yesterdays installment of The Super Happy Fun Time, after being so over joyed I did not care if I made a fool of myself, it has come to my attention, I am not number one, there was no Gary, it was a hoax, a ruse, and I was fooled into joy, and now I am sad.
I am sad because I thought there was a Gary, I was sad because I thought he had taken the time to write how he felt, how he felt that I was number one, but now I am back to nothing, sent off into the void of obscurity once again, with my beaten tail between my wobbly weak legs.
There is no Gary, just some prankster who feels the need to mess with people's lives, who feels the need to pull the rug from under poor men's feet, someone who is jealous because her boyfriend will never be the man that I am, because her boyfriend has taken everything that made Rick Cork a name that could be trusted and counted on to provide the very best in local entertainment. Very well whatever, they know who they are, and I hope they are very happy, because I am not, not now, but soon, for I seek vengeance, and I seek retribution, there will be virtual blood on the virtual streets and the Super Happy Fun Time will be had by al but those two, for they shall feel my pain tenfold.
There may be no Gary, but there is still a Gary Award, and it goes out to the person who best exemplifies the Anti-Super Happy Funtime spirit, it goes out to those who would piss on my perfectly fine parade. This week the Gary goes out to Matilda Von Mordor, I hope you are happy that you made a mockery of the Super Happy Fun Time, I hope you are happy that you have made me the laughingstock of the bloggerworld, made me into the outcast you always saw me as, out in the cold, starving, hoping that one day I will be allowed to wander those happy halls of Bloggerdom with my chin up once again, someday, you can count on it.
To everyone else, thank you for your Support,
Rick Cork