Saturday, August 27, 2005

In the Eye Of the Pain Hurricane ( I wanted to say tornado, but I don't know if they have eyes)

Hey there everybody, how is it-your life- going? I am not actually in pain, or anything resembling pain, but that phrase popped inot my head and I felt compelled to write it down due to a mild case of OCD. I of course have never been diagnosed with OCD, but if I were shot in the head by a shotgun I would not neccesarily need a doctor to tell me that something was wrong, you just kind of go with your gut feeling on some things.
Speaking of gut feelings, did you guys know I actually have the outer part of my right leg attached to my stomach, it's called a skin graft. I also have a manmade belly button, they had to cut a hole in the skin that they put over my stomach in the area of my belly button. If I had actually been concious I would have asked them not to cut the hole just to see what would have happened, I think that that would have been the very definition of interesting at least for a year or so. I am at school and I just got done with my Saturday Spanish class which leads in nicely to the television program Sabado Gigante, four hours of spanish language variety programming.
Speaking of variety shows, I am putting one on in about two weeks at the Irish Rose and I am in need of talent, or what passes for talent nowadays. Are you ultra bendy, can you smoke cigarettes out of inappropriate holes in your body, can you do something besides just sit around and watch t.v. all day? If so please contact me, even the smallest thing would make a world of difference. Contact me @ Maybe this link will even work this time, maybe, who knows, you probably do, good for you.
Thank you for your support,
Rick Cork