Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I jambed my thumb.

Basketballs, she's been bad to me lately. Saturday while playing with some big sweaty hooligans I jambed my thumb while going up for a rebound, boom, the ball landed straight on this damn thumb of mine. I wake up the next day and it's purple all the way from the tip of my thumb, a quarter of my palm, down to about an inch down my wrist.
Then I spend the precious time that I have which is dedicated to doing nothing practical or purposeful, playing fucking video game basketball. Let me tell you this fucking team thatI am playing is just shit. They always seem choke when it really comes down to the wire, and they cannot shoot a three pointer to save their miserable pixalated lives.
Today I attempted to foul all of my players out of the game in protest of one the the computer teams players refering to my Chinese center by a racially insensitive slur. The thing is they wouldn't let me foul out all of my guys, or even forfeit the game, so some of my guys ended the game with seven or more fouls. I ended the game with 71 fouls, and they beat me 161 to 59. I believe in my heart of hearts that it was a just protest. It really showed me that these guys could work together to make something big happen, bigger than any basketball game I'll tell you that much. The solidarity they showed on that computer simulated basketball court moved me, I wish I belonged to something that cared about me that much, and who knows, maybe I do and just don't know it.
Also, on another note, for some reason I was kicked off my coveted spot on the Hall and Oates mailing list. They had sent me an E-mail concerning either Hall or Oates getting some kind of disease that led to the postponement of their upcoming tour. I sent it to several people, some people I didn't even know, and I guess this was private information for people on the Hall and Oates mailing list only, and so I have been kicked out. Perhaps someone had reported my alleged wrong-doing, maybe they just know, who knows, I guess I was in the wrong and if so I apologize, out the side of my mouth and under my breath as always. If anyone has the time you could visit the Hall and Oates website and reccomend they reinstate me, but to tell you the truth I don't care. The e-mails were always impersonal, and you could tell neither John nor Daryl wrote them themselves, the words just sat there on the page, it had no soul, no blue-eyed-soul, and that really ultimately let me down enough to let them down.

Bands currently on my shit-list(and they know why and it is personal)
1.Tom JOnes
3.Hall and Oates
I have learned to seperate the music from the people, but any further recordings by these artists after their initial inception onto my shit list is considered null and void, it does not exist to me. Thanks a lot you bastards.
And thank you for your support,
Rick Cork